Bob’s Burgers Season 10 comprises 22 episodes originally aired on Fox between September 29, 2019, and May 17, 2020. The plot revolves around Bob Belcher, his wife Linda, and their children Tina, Gene, and Louise as they run their titular hamburger restaurant and interact with their quirky patrons. Here’s how…
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FKA twigs performed at Valentino Womenswear’s Spring/Summer 2024 Paris Fashion Week show on Sunday. Titled “Unearth Her,” the performance featured the debut of new music made in collaboration with Koreless that’s set to appear on her unannounced new album, the fashion brand revealed. Watch the performance, which featured twigs unearthing…
X, formerly Twitter, has started cutting headlines from link cards on the iOS app and on the web. This means you will see just an image with the domain name of the link on the bottom left, which is easy to miss. The move is part of Elon Musk’s efforts…
Three book buses roll out for October Oct 04 2023 The progressive action group’s Banned Bookmobile is on the road again, after an inaugural multi-stop tour of the Midwest and South in July. Penguin Random House’s Banned Wagon, a project of PRH’s Intellectual Freedom Taskforce and its consumer marketing…
The Saw franchise has been running for almost 20 years, but what began as a lean, mean, unabashed Se7en rip-off has morphed into the kind of ugly, monotonous gore-fest that people who believe Art the Clown is the next great horror icon salivate over while the rest of us wonder…
[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for Magnum P.I. Season 5 Episode 11 “Hit and Run.”] Heading into the second half of Magnum P.I.‘s final season, fans have a couple important questions: Is the show really going to end? And could there be a baby in Higgins (Perdita Weeks) and Magnum’s (Jay…
So that’s it. Ahsoka is done. And it might not be the finale you were expecting. It definitely left a lot of room for second season of the show, or at least for the announced crossover movie that will continue this show’s story and also feature characters from The Mandalorian and The Book of…
Maren Morris is further explaining her decision to distance herself from the country music industry. In an hourlong interview on the New York Times’ Popcast podcast with reporters Joe Caramanica and Joe Coscarelli posted Wednesday (Oct. 4), the singer laid out a scenario where she says she always felt at…
Amazon is shutting down its short-lived audio app known as Amp, which previously offered a music library for users to create and broadcast custom DJ sets, according to reports by Bloomberg. Amazon’s Amp was available on Android and iOS and has only been live since March of 2022. While a…
by Lisa Jewell ‧ RELEASE DATE: Aug. 8, 2023 It’s hard to read but hard to look away from. When two women who share a birthday meet, a journalist becomes the subject of her own true-crime mystery. On their 45th birthdays, Josie Fair and Alix Summer meet at a pub…